How to write fast without lowering quality of content

What is their secret of speed writing?
Continually, they publish post after post that is extremely valuable and easy to comprehend.
I'm talking about people you know - you might even consider me one of them.
As far as blog content alone goes, this is my week:
Approximately 2 posts (about 1,000-5,000 words each) on Quick Sprout, plus an infographic,
2 blog posts on the website (about 5,000 words each),
2 guest blog posts on other popular blogs (around 1500 words each)
Each Crazy Egg blog post comprises approximately 2,000 words (about two per month)
Adding all of that up, you get approximately 17,000 words per week or 3,400 words per weekday.
Since 2006, I have been able to maintain this volume.
Technically, I am not the best writer. I did not go to college to earn a degree in English or creative writing. Despite this, I have thousands of awesome readers who like what I write.
I spent a lot of time learning how to write quality blog posts before I learned how to write faster.
Even though time is my most valuable resource, I spend a significant amount of it in speed writing. I know the advantages of content marketing for businesses.
Everyone feels this way. I am only one.
Four in ten businesses struggle with creating enough content, according to Contently.
What if you could know how to write faster and better? Wouldn't it make it easier to generate more content?
Take a look at my guide on how to write a high-quality data-driven post if you want to learn more about writing great posts.
In this article, we will show you how to write high-quality posts more quickly. You can start writing faster by using these 11 key concepts I'll show you today. Follow this speed writing exercise today and increase your writing speed tomorrow.
It would be great if you could write posts in half the time you currently do! As a result, you would have more time to work on other aspects of your business or to write more posts.
By adding a few extra posts per week, you may see an increase in business growth over time.
1.Improve your typing skills
Why can't I write fast. Because you can't type fast. If you can't type quickly, no matter how well you can stay focused and how fast you can think of what to say, then you'll never be able to write quickly. Improving your typing speed will give you more benefits than the hunt and peck technique. So, practice your typing at the wpm test to increase your speed.
One finger at a time won't cut it if you're still pecking at letters.
Ideally, you should be able to type 60 words per minute (60 WPM) but you don't have to be a master typist. You'd be able to type 3,600 words per hour in an hour if you could type at that speed. Although it's impossible to achieve that level of production, you can achieve a substantial fraction of it.
If you would please take a moment to test your typing speed. Do a quick typing test at Key Hero:
You are welcome to repeat the test a few times for more accurate results.
Before you can work on any of the other concepts discussed in this article, you must increase your speed to at least 60 WPM. You'll be glad you did it in the end, even though it's not the most enjoyable thing in the world.
Step 1: Place your hands correctly
Step 2: Keep your eyes off the keyboard
You should be able to type without looking. If you can't, it means that you need to continue practicing to get to the point where typing requires no active attention (the unconscious does it).
Posture plays a part in this. It's quite possible that if you're sitting, you're looking at the keyboard just because that's where your eyes are focused. When you write, try to sit up straight.
Step 3: Practice 3 times
Nowadays, children learn to type from an early age, but you might not have been so fortunate. If you want to practice or learn, you can do that online using tools that you can find on the Internet. Practice tools such as Key Hero are one example. Using a typing tutor tool will help you from the beginning:
You can also use text-to-speech software
Several tools allow you to convert spoken words into text, including TalkTyper (free), Ivona (paid), and Dragon Naturally Speaking (paid). Simply talking to your computer and indicating punctuation allows your computer to record your words.
Even though you can type much faster when you speak, there are some downsides to this method. Tools you can find online for free or for a small fee aren't always accurate, and the errors they make can take a lot of time to fix. It's important to note that even the more expensive products aren't perfect, as well as having a steep learning curve at first.
It isn't the first option I'd recommend, but if you're unable to type, or cannot type quickly, it is a decent backup option.
2.Be sure to list your ideas
When you try to make a blog post, how long does it take you to come up with an idea?
Writing a couple of them a week is not difficult, but if I have to think of ideas for all my posts individually, that's not an option for me.
The good news is: there is an alternative. It's called being an idealist.
The process of generating ideas outside of a set plan can be difficult since it is a creative endeavor. Our lives are filled with different experiences that lead to creativity. That's why novelists often take years to complete their work.
To come up with great ideas, you can't simply sit down and say: "Okay brain, let's get to work."
Your idea muscle should be developed to help you spontaneously generate numerous ideas throughout the day.
James Altucher coined the term idea muscle to describe a process that gets better as you practice coming up with ideas.
It doesn't matter what situation you're in, you'll always come up with an idea. You will know the answer to any question you are asked. The meetings you will attend will take place so far outside of the box that if you are stuck on a desert highway - you will find a way out, if you need money, you will come up with 50 methods to make money, and so on." - James Altucher
It is suggested to begin by brainstorming at least 10 ideas throughout the day.
Keeping them on record is the second step. There aren't all going to be good ideas, but some will and others may guide you in the right direction.
It is simple to make a notepad for a dollar store or you can use a tool like Trello to keep track of ideas: First think and write fast.
An alternative: Identify repeatable strategies
I have already shown you how to steal ideas for your next post. You can use this strategy over and over again to get ideas for posts.
Putting together post ideas on demand is still inefficient -- it's time-consuming. Plan an hour every week or month instead (depending on the volume of posts you make). As many ideas as possible can be generated during this time using your strategy.
As soon as you get some momentum going, you can come up with five times more ideas in the same amount of time as if you were coming up with one in 10 minutes every time.
This way, you can spend less time and energy brainstorming ideas so you can focus more on the speed writing.
3.Eliminate distractions
There are distractions everywhere, especially on the computer.
We are all tempted by different ways to pass the time, whether it's checking email, watching social media, or just going to our favorite sites.
Rather than write a post, maybe you'd rather check your rankings with Google or see how much traffic your site receives.
The results of giving in to these urges would be that you would be less productive. Nevertheless, even if you don't, those urges in the back of your head will distract you and prevent you from being as productive as possible.
It's even harder to work from home when you're surrounded by distractions in real life. Kids are running around, people talking on the phone or watching TV, and plenty of temptations to grab a snack.
There are distractions everywhere.
There will never be an end to your to-do lists, but you can eliminate many of them, which will increase your writing speed.
Eliminate distractions #1: Work in a quiet environment
Writing is hampered by noise. Uninterrupted listening is necessary for thinking clearly. Establish your home office, and close the door to prevent interruptions while you're working. This is the way to write faster.
Keep your door closed when you're working at an office or coworking space. Please ask your friends and coworkers not to disturb you unless there is an emergency.
Then head to the library if neither is feasible. Almost all libraries are quiet, and some have dedicated spaces for quiet work.
Eliminate distraction #2: Turn the music off
Is there anyone who doesn't like music? What if you wrote while listening to Taylor Swift?
Although it might be more fun, the written word will take longer to write a quality content or will eliminate your content quality.
According to research, music distracts the brain from thinking complex thoughts. Therefore, music might help you with simple, straightforward tasks such as lifting more weight at the gym, but it will slow down your writing.
There's more to it than that, however. Lyrical music was the subject of those studies.
Study results from 2012 suggest that moderate to low levels of ambient noise can stimulate greater creativity.
According to another study, baroque classical music can improve mood and productivity. Lyrics are rarely found in classical music. It is soft and consistent.
As a result, you have two choices: you can choose to work with no music or you can work with background noise or classical music at a low volume.
A Soft Murmur or Simply Noise are tools you can use to create some background sound. Personally I found this good writing exercise.
Distraction elimination #3: Block distracting websites
It's possible to block certain trouble websites for a set period if you have trouble staying on task. Strict Workflow for Chrome, for example, can accomplish this.
With this plugin, you can simply specify which sites you want to be blocked and how long you want them blocked for, and until the limit is met, you won't be able to access them.
When you work in a web text application like Google Docs, you can hide your bookmarks bar as well. Simply right-click any space in the bookmarks bar and uncheck the box that says "show bookmarks bar."
Distraction elimination #4: Write offline
Disconnecting from the Internet can be another option if blocking distracting sites doesn't work. Online distractions can be eliminated by writing offline.
Eliminate distractions #5: Do your important tasks first
During the day, it can be hard to focus because you have something else important to do. Your writing speed will slow down if you keep thinking about this.
Make sure you do tasks that will distract you upfront, and then write later.
4.Prepare your post in advance
I outline every post before I write it.
You will be able to create a really clear outline, showing you how you will make your points and what kind of research and resources you will need to make your article as strong as possible.
You'll notice that I always include an introduction at the beginning of my posts (as everyone else does) and that I also include a conclusion.
The other sections will have headlines based on the type of post I write. My posts typically have 12 types, and I have general outlines for every type.
The process of creating the outlines shouldn't take very long. Moreover, you don't want to miss any crucial steps, so they ensure that you don't.
To remind me what needs to be covered, I write down all the subheadlines (H2s) in the article as well as a few main bullet points beneath each.
5.First, do your research
Research is the core part of speed writing exercise. How do you think I'm going to write this post: about riding a horse or about writing a good one?
You can purchase any premium speed writing course you will find RESEARCH as a first chapter.
It's easier for me to write a blog post about how to write a good one since I have so much experience and expertise in the topic.
To write effectively, you need to become an authority on the subject. As you go along, it's hard to construct a story as you go about something you don't know well, but easy to share what you do know.
Here is a case study of my nutrition blog. Because I am not a nutrition expert, I didn't have time to become well-versed in it so I could write about it with credibility. Mike took over content creation for me because of that.
If you want to write about a specific topic you need to learn about that topic before you start, but you don't need to be an expert from the start.
If you switch between tasks, your writing speed will suffer.
How does task switching work? An activity that involves switching from one activity to another is called switch-over. An example would be switching from writing to researching mode due to not understanding a certain concept.
Multitasking is good for some, but for all of us, focusing on one task makes us more productive.
An experiment carried out in 2001 by Dr. David Meyer and colleagues quantified the effects of task switching. As subjects did math problems and named geometric objects, he had them switch between differing tasks.
It didn't take subjects much time to switch between simple and complex problems when both were easy. With each subsequent switch, the subjects lost more and more time, however, as the assignments became more complex.
In complex tasks, switching can cost up to 40% less productivity according to Meyer. The exact cost of switching is difficult to pin down. Writers and researchers face many challenges.
As you switch between tasks, it doesn't just take a little while (maybe even a few seconds) to get in the right mindset, but you're also fatigued afterward. It makes me tired to think about switching between them several times an hour.
The point is, before starting to write a word about anything, learn everything there is to know about the topic. If you wish to record all relevant statistics, resources, or study findings, you should do so in advance.
6.Edit after you write
According to Hemingway, "All first drafts are trash."
Hemingway was one of the most influential authors of the 20th century, regardless of how much fiction you read.
Before he died, he won a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and a Nobel Prize in Literature. Even today, his writing genius is remembered.
If Hemingway considered his first drafts incomplete, imagine what he would think of mine and yours.
If you want to write a post that isn't useless, you have two options.
As you go through the paragraphs, you can continuously edit each sentence. If you don't want to wait until later to edit, then you can write your first draft as most prolific writers do.
Neither one can produce an excellent article, however, I will explain why you should choose the second option.
You have the same problem as we discussed before if you continually switch between writing and editing. As you try to edit, you are attempting to switch your brain from trying to write. When you do that, your writing momentum is shattered and you start from scratch with every paragraph or sentence.
When you write - just write - you can concentrate on writing alone. This allows you to focus your mind on what you should write next rather than on what you should write now. In the same way, all your focus may be on "how can I make this better?" when you're editing.
Instead of thinking about what else needs to be said.
Meyer's guess that task switching reduces productivity by about 40% is probably wrong based on my experiences.
Editing comes after writing.
7.Break (smartly)
Everybody needs a break unless they are robots. Tiredness is a common phenomenon.
Yes, you can become stronger with time, but you will still need breaks from time to time.
Everyone is different in this respect. Others need to take breaks every few hours, whereas others need frequent breaks. How much you enjoy writing, how good you are at speed writing, and a few other factors influence your decision.
Pomodoro Technique is a good place to start if you aren't sure where to go from there. It's a tomato technique because Pomodoro means "tomato" in Italian. The creator used this timer to name it:
The 80s design was created by Francesco Cirillo. It isn't a new idea but only became popular in the last decade or so as a productivity technique.
The process is as follows:
You set a 25-minute timer
The timer stops when the work is done
Five minutes are taken to relax
This is all a Pomodoro
This process should now be repeated four times. Every 30 minutes is followed by a 15-20 minute break.
Using an online tomato timer or buying a Pomodoro timer is your choice.
Work should be kept fresh and focused with this procedure.
A to-do list of what you want to accomplish is supposed to be made each morning as a way of being accountable.
The number of Pomodoro periods (25 minutes of work) required to complete each item is indicated by an X.
The improvement in your study or work process will likely be noticeable within a couple of days. The technique takes between seven and twenty days of constant practice to master."
Taking care of interruptions is the final step in the system. Interruptions fall into two categories: internal and external.
When you are distracted from work by internal interruptions, you are not able to concentrate. This system takes the form of writing down all the important tasks you wish to accomplish on your to-do sheet so you can assure you will receive them later.
Interruptions from outside are caused by other people and things (phones, emails, etc.). To prevent such interruptions, the Pomodoro system suggests that you respond as quickly as possible. Please tell those who need your attention right now to check back later, or tell them you'll call back whenever you can (on a break). Do your best to get back to work while you wait.
8.Set a deadline for yourself
Parkinson's Law states that "the amount of time required to complete a work increases as the work grows in size".
So if you allow yourself too much time to complete something, or if you don't consider when you finish something to be important, you will end up taking longer to complete it. You could either procrastinate by knowing you can finish the task quickly, or you could make it more complex, which would result in you achieving something else.
Studying for a test is something that many people do. Almost everything is put off until the last minute, then crammed in.
Even though it's not ideal from a learning standpoint, it illustrates how people can work quickly when they're faced with a firm deadline.
Some writers, especially professional ones, give themselves a day to draft a post, regardless of whether they need it. Despite claims that they plan to start working on something else if they finish early, they never end up finishing early because the amount of work grows with each passing day.
When you are writing a post, you need to know exactly what you intend to include, not anything else. After that, assign a deadline for writing the post, equal to the minimum amount of time you anticipate needing.
Just write the post as quickly as you can; this is only to write the post. Editing is what gives quality. While a deadline is still important, don't make it too strict because consideration and creativity will be required.
Your writing deadlines shouldn't be the only thing you consider. If you check your email first thing in the morning, you can also set a deadline. A hard deadline would probably result in most people spending less than 10 minutes a day on email, rather than spending 2 hours.
By implementing just one speed writing practice concept in this article, you can probably increase your writing speed by over 10% within a few days.
You could gain 1,000 words per week by making 10% improvement alone if you write for 20 hours per week at 500 words per hour. In most cases, this means an extra article every week or 52 extra articles per year without spending any additional time.
You may see even bigger improvements if you take the concepts I've presented here to heart and put them into action more than once.